Are you smartphone addicted ?

Are you stick to the 6-inch mobile phone.
Are you also lost yourself in entertainment,
Are you also addicted to the use of a mobile phone.
kindly remember you are wasted your valuable time.
I know you are feeling very much good while using it and enjoyed lots, also you are getting more knowledge, new friends, community, sharing pics and liking each other pics etc.etc. also engaged in gaming.
Are you really wasting your time,
I want to share some facts.
You know?

Fact No. 1 
more than 61 % of peoples use their mobile phones, not for the call but social sites, gaming, and Video purposes only.

Fact No. 2
Fact No. 3
 47% of people who are using there smartphone while breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Fact No. 4
42% of people checking there smartphone while face to face talking.

Fact No. 5
 39 % of the smartphone users dwell online after getting the information even if they got it.

Fact No. 6 
most of the people having fear of Season End sale, they purchase before the sale getting over, even if they don't think about the value and worthy use of products or services. 

Fact No. 7
65 %  of smartphone users hit their bed while staring on a smartphone.

Fact No. 8
are you in 12 % of those people who do not sleep till late at night.

Fact No.9 
are you in 50 % of those smartphone users who spent their precious time on the phone without knowing. 

Fact No. 10 
are you in 38 % of those smartphone users who keep their smartphone with them at bedtime.

Fact No. 11 
are you in 19 % of those smartphone users who averagely keep checking their smartphone constantly after every 6.5 minutes. 

If you unknowingly applying any of the 4 facts above, then
You Are addicted to smartphones.
    Let me tell you in the scientific language…

Dopamine ---- is a hormone that changes your mood, gives you gratification, that is why you do not get the idea of time while on social sites that is the release of dopamine hormone. and it is responsible for stick to mobile for a longer time, Dopamine continues to release, and you stick to the phone, and this continues as long as your attention is never lost, 

2nd hormone is

Melatonin --- This hormone is most important for your body's rhythmic clock to get you sleepy, and wake up in the morning, like when to eat food, when to eat breakfast along with it, body temperature, blood pressure, and controls the hormonal level, this prolonged release of melatonin is uncontrolled due to your presence in front of a screen like mobile phone, TV, monitor, which causes your body's rhythmic clock disturbed and this is the result of being low or high in body temperature, blood pressure, and hormonal level 
(there are many reasons for Body temperature, blood pressure, and hormonal level becoming high or low, but for this the radiation emitted from the screen is the prime reason)

Friends, this smartphone addiction can be reduced if, honestly you are following below mentioned some suggestions ... 

1. Digital detox WEEK
 Digital detox means not to use any digital things, digital gadget i.e. Smartphone, laptop, PC so plan for weekly 1 day or more than 10 hrs for a weekly i.e. digital detox.

2. Phone Stacking
 keep your smartphone out of pocket while having breakfast, lunch, and dinner or do not pay any attention to notifications until your food is finished ( Except in urgency )

3. Always use Mobile Timer
While using a Smartphone, make sure how long you have to use a Smartphone like 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes. There are many more apps that you can use for Mobile Timer.

4.Shut up all notifications and social media
Mute all unimportant notifications in the mobile setting and uninstall social apps, use them only when needed. (Difficult but you will have to do to reduce spam usage )

5. Always set data limit
By setting the data limit, whenever you finish the data, you will get a signal that you are using more.

6. keep 5 feet distance while sleeping
Keep your smartphone at 5 feet distance from your sleeping place at night. This will give you good sleep, you will not be able to check the phone again and again.

7. Concentrate on realistic achievement
Do not play phone gaming and try to develop your newer skills, and realistic achievement.

If you look at all the solutions, it is possible that your mobile addiction may be reduced,

So how did you feel about this, please tell me by commenting below, 
it will encourage surely.
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Thank you.

you can also read  ...

images taken from 

smartphone addiction 
mobile addiction
how to get rid from mobile addiction.

cellphone addiction 

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  1. Do not let your phone to control you.Stay Awayfrom your phone phone addiction with this antisocial app!
