You don’t have money OR You are unable to earn that much of money to live a optimum standard living lifestyle.

Hi this is pavan , am here to clear this idea or concept of your misbeliefe , - Believe me this article may clear your doubt about the money problem or why you facing the money issue in several way  , Well, you might be eager to understand we probably consider money is big problem its not actually a problem read the billion dollor concept …
Yah it’s right Money is equal to Skillsets
Ask this question to yourself that you have any skill that generate money . I means that …. Ok  let me give you one example. Whatever your profession ,
you might be businessman,

you might be student ,
you might be employee or
you might be entrepreneur
you might be from any field
        compare your same professional person
 if he was earning more than you or
 if he was getting more sales closing than you or
 if he was getting more marks than you or
if he was scoring more than you
  what it means , he had more skill than you of respective field is it right. If yet you didn’t clear the concept let me clear you in another way.
 Raju and vijay  was working in xyz company  this year raju didn’t get enough salary increment in his dept. because he was unable to work with perfection and had much more issues occurred after completion of any task given by his boss, but contrary Vijay is able to complete his  task in respective timeline and finish his task with clearly and without any doubt , also vijay is able to give more suggestion in meeting and his suggestion is appealable to everyone , so he was getting more attention and respect in his dept.
By giving above example I don’t mean to disrespect Raju , I mean to tell you how raju not that much skillful to complete his task early as before time  summed up, he had not good communication skill or for suggestion he don’t have enough knowledge or information that he can express in meeting.
 Are you getting my point                                                    
 “don’t think that you don’t have money”
 “you don’t have skill to earn money ”
 Always acquire the more knowledge , more skills , more understanding  that will enhance your money . thank you very much , what youthink about this article is it worthy for you,  comment below it will motivate me.
 Poor people watch TV
Rich people  read books.
 Thank you.

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  1. Worth reading this sir!
    People should be aware that talents have no more place to hide and it's not a thing that is to be hidden ...

  2. Nice article. Good start keep it up pavan
