most of the peoples get confused about the use of words where the meanings are
getting relevant so, here I will solve this simple puzzle in a single
meaning of each on
Autobiography:- A life story written by self is called as
Biography :- A persons life story is written by someone, ( The person
may be live or dies)
must understand that in above Autobiography and Biography I had heightened the
word written because these are in written format... lets jump to the next....
It is Persons's life story which included visual effect, stunt and dialogue ,
Documentary :- It is to inform or give any informationof perticular subject or
object or it will focus only on part of life story of someones where the
audio of same person may or may not be used in motion film.
Drama:- Live performance where actors perform on stage.
Movie : Movie is a recorded performance of an Actor. it generally refers
to entertainment or commercial purpose only. (Movie is also called as Motion
Cinema :-Cinema is another word of moving picture. ideally Cinema is
h word that means movement. So, cinema is really just another word of
moving picture.
Film :- is sometimes used as a synonym of Movie ,
(where in old days the moving big circular reel is used containing various fractions of the time of second (that is one 1/10th of second) movement that run under the small beam aperture to enlarge the image for movement of action /seen the reel continuously rotates that changes of tiny reel shows the motion, as I explained that individual of reel is called film, This is old days of showing any Movie. this film was also used during photography as you remember very well.)
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